Our 2nd Annual McMaster Brain Bee 2005 Volunteers!

A HUGE part of the success of the Brain Bee is due to our volunteers.

There are lots of them! Not all of them are in the photo.
Click here for more photos from the Brain Bee.

This year, those involved were (and several of these did double duty):

Question organizers, Questioners and Judges:
Jenny Campos, Guillaume A Rousselet, Aimee Skye, Pete Stewart,Vicki Armstrong, Mary Elaine Ty, Meredith Young, Ellen Gong

Undergraduate volunteers who worked from September onward:
Marian Boktor, Marie Gadziola, Jozanne Walker-Battick, Zeljka Vucetic, Natalie Terplak, Megan McQuade, Megan Keilty, Hae-Min Han, Ashley Miles, Hashe Kumar

Our speakers:
Suraiya Khandakar, Jennifer Heisz, Paul Szego, Graeme Moffatt, Ron Racine

Official Time Keeper: George Chan

Official Score Keepers: Nicole Woods, Pete Stewart

Other people who helped along the way:
Jessica Phillips-Silver, Paul Brunet

Staff and Organizers:
Ann Hollingshead, Milica Pavlica, Jenny Campos, Judith Shedden

We'd also like to thank Dr. Alexander Ball, who allows us to use his neuroanatomy lab so that the winning Brain Bee student can study real human brains before going to the international competition.